Know About Me

an image of Thendo Thovhakale

Thendo Thovhakale

Front-end web developer

__About Thendo__

"I'm a front-end developer with some HTML, CSS, and javaScript experience, with the desire to continue learning and expanding my knowledge base, as well as the ability to use that information. I am a person that is kind, humble, diligent, and motivated. My ambition is to one day work as a software developer and share what I've learned with those who are struggling to locate reliable information."

Better your health is the first formal project I've ever worked on. It presented difficulties that were overcome by research and innovation. This site was created for a dietician practice in Midrand, Gauteng, to further expose the practice to the public and establish an official image presence on the web.

Anyone and everyone can take part in this challenge to put their skills to the test. This was my first time doing live foundation testing, and despite a few setbacks, it was a valuable learning experience that was more beneficial than I had anticipated when I began this project. Challenge available on Front-End Mentor.

This NFT challenge helped me to improve on how I previously thought and solved problems, as well as learn how to use tailwind, which assisted in optimizing and minimizing the amount of time it took to code. Challenge available on Front-End Mentor.

This Preview cards task taught me a lot, including the inutility of code specification echo, such as md:p-10 and lg:p-10, which are essentially the same thing on different displays. Challenge available on Front-End Mentor.

My resume is down below

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